Jason HIcks
Weeks before his 16th birthday, Jason Hicks received a gift that would help him unlock his musical passion and open a gate to the path that he is still hiking. At first glance, the gift of a 1977 Dodge stepside pickup truck isn’t an obvious first step to a musical path, but Jason saw the opportunity that lay before him and persuaded his parents to let him sell the truck and use the cash to buy a shiny red electric guitar and a small Peavy amplifier. The wisdom of this decision was a perfect storm. As he no longer had a vehicle he was stuck at home and as there was a new guitar, he figured he might as well spend all his waking hours practicing, and practice he did-learning the Metallica repertoire, trying to figure out how Led Zeppelin worked, the realization that improvising is just making things up in the moment, then Bob Dylan???!
Jason earned his BFA in music at Webster University, performing with classical guitar and jazz ensembles, countless choir performances, orchestra pits, ballet productions (no, he didn’t dance), jam bands and folk bands, solo slots with coffee shops, and eventually worked his way into the Colorado bluegrass scene. In 2003 he cofounded the Blue Canyon Boys. He has traveled across this country and world with his musical brothers, sharing songs and telling stories, discovering friends and family, recording 7 full length albums, and performing on some of this country’s most beautiful stages.
The one constant through all these years is Jason’s quest for the song. John Prine said there’s a river of songs always floating overhead and he’s glad he didn’t live downstream from Bob Dylan. The northern Ozark Missouri hills of Jason’s upbringing as well as the Rocky Mountains of his current home are full of ditches, creeks, streams, and rivers. There are gems of songs waiting in all the nooks, crannies, cricks, puddles, and rapids and he loves stepping out and searching for those overlooked gems. Every song has a story, every story has a song, and every guitar has a voice that wants to sing along. Jason is more than happy to hop in the proverbial boat and drift on down the river for a song.